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By the time, of the Middle Ages all books were handwritten, beautifully decorated, but they were often elite singles delete profile chained to the shelves. First printing was invented in China and by the end of the 15th century there were more than 200 presses in Europe . The early printers were not only craftsmen elite singles delete profile but also editors, publishers and booksellers. The first printing, press in England was set up by William Caxton at Westminster in 1476. and the first printing press in Russia — by Ivan Fedorov in Moscow in 1564. Early libraries were used only by scientists but elite singles delete profile latery they were used by the public. In the 19th century a proper system of public libraries appeared. Now most countries search date of birth uk have their own national libraries. Many old university libraries have rich collections of books: Oxford and elite profile delete singles Cambridge elite singles delete profile in England, Harvard and Yale in the United States.
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