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and many go for holidays or long weekends into the thirty-live fabulous national parks. These el paso phone dating magnificent areas of el paso phone dating countryside include tropical forests, high mountains, dry deserts, long sandy coasts. grassy prairies and wooded mountains full of wild animals. The idea of these parks, which cover 1% of the whole area of the USA. is to make "a great breathing place for the national lungs", and to keep different parts of the land as they were before men arrived. There are camping places in the national parks as well as museums, boat trips and evening campfire meetings. Americans really el paso phone dating enjoy new "gadgets", especially new ways of travelling. In the winter, the woods are full of "snowmobiles" (cars with skis in the front). In the summer they ride their "dune el paso gay dating online indonesia phone dating buggins" across el paso phone dating the el paso phone dating sands or take to the sky in hang gliders. But Americans do not only spend their free time having fun.
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